Thursday, May 12, 2011

Who is Nelci?

My name - You can call me Nelci  :0)
Age - 30's. Huumh... Ok, ok, 40's (Happy now? :0)) 
Astrological Sign - Libra
Religion - I'm spiritual, but not religious
I live - in Brussels/Belgium (but I'm Brazilian born)
Languages - Portuguese (mother tongue), French, English, some Spanish (thanks to Dora), still learning Dutch 
Some words about me - smart, friendly, funny, child-like, clumsy, gaffe-maker, warm hearted, naive, outgoing, very social and talkative,  do not like being alone, think life has purpose/meaning, organized,  open, easy to read, dislike science fiction, values relationships and families over intellectual pursuits, group oriented,  affectionate, planner, regular, orderly, clean, finisher, vindictive, content, positive, complimentary, dutiful, loving, considerate.
I love - my family and friends, sunny days, big smiles, little dresses, long desert rides ("You got a fast car, I want a ticket to anywhere…"), beaches, the almond flavour ice-cream from “Australian Ice-cream”, cinema + popcorn, summer evenings, finding money (in my pockets, on sidewalks…), waking up and realizing I still have a couple of hours to sleep, hugs, handwritten letters, pizza, bookstores, biking, old photos, Singing in the shower, gospel chorus, mentos cinnamon, ghost stories, dirty jokes, peach roses, fragrances & lotions, little kids, laughing, airports, starry nights, the "fresh from the bath" smell, high heels sandals, getting a new CD, travelling to new places, Christmas lights, friends coming over for dinner, That peaceful moment when the party is over, guests were gone, the house is back in order, and I’m comfortably installed on the sofa, enjoying the dessert leftovers.
I hate - Injustice, ugliness, pettiness, confrontation, drastic mood changes, Two-faced people, censorship, Philadelphia cheese, going to the cinema alone, watching a movie with someone who steals my popcorn and always tells me what will happen in the next scene, cellphones (I have one but I always forget to carry it with me) , people mis- pronouncing my name, pop-up adds, excessive political correctness, socks/shoes in bed, broken promises, bad manners, Kevin Costner, the "always right" kind of people, having to come to work on sunny days, dark green color, Star Trek, Bjork (Berck!!), most of french songs, people who think I should be what they are, People that snap their fingers at the waiters to call them, Professional protesters, The kind of low self-esteem and problematic women who hate beautiful/sexy women, Pedophiles (they should be erased from existance), Star Wars, emotional vampires, jealous people, bad hair day, extremists
I need - Someone to relate to (and sometimes, someone to protect me)
Interests - History, Music (Rhythm & Blues, Folk, Pop, Jazz - I'm eclectic), Literature, Cinema, Mythology, Psychology, Good Manners, Personal growth, my family
A Colour - Peach/rose and yellow 
A City - Excepting for London, I like sunny places - Athens, Rio de Janeiro, Sidney, Florence... 
A Perfume - I love fragrances! Some of my faves: Bulgari pour Femme and the trio Freesia, Muschio Oro and Melograno, by Santa Maria Novella 
A Food - Japanese Food (Sushis and Sashimis, in special), Chinese, Italian, Greek, Brazilian
Coffee or Tea? - Coffee always. Expresso, Frapuccino, Mocca flavored - no matter!!
Secret Vice - Mentos Cinnamon
Favorite Period in History - the period of the Second World's War fascinates me, and also the 20's (the Crazy Years) and 30's, so as the ancient Rome and Greece.
What you do when you're happy - Smile and laugh
What you do when you're sad - Cry, listen "Both Sides Now" and eat lots of "nuclear food" (Doritos, chips and chocolates in general).
What do you do when you're angry - Read "The Prince", by Machiaveli and listen Mozart's Requiem (in special "Dies Irae" and "Confutatis Maledictus"). Sometimes I can say lots of bad words, thinking about a way to become the "Lord of Evil" and get some revenge (just kidding!)
My favorite songs -  "Downtown", "Both Sides Now", "Big Yellow Taxi", "Walking in Memphis"... I also love those 70's "gay party" disco songs and I'm always listening to them :0)
My favorite singers / groups - Joe Cocker, Louis Armstrong, Marc Cohen, Bette Midler, Ella Fitzgerald, Robbie Williams, Lionel Richie, Keane and Counting Crowns
Television - "Desperate Housewives", "Lost", "Haunted" shows (A Haunting, Most Haunted...), historical TV shows, some cartoons ("The Simpsons", "South Park"), The Apprentice, The Tudors
My favorite actors - Tim Roth, Matheus Nachtergaele, Ben Kingsley, Kevin Spacey, Jack Nicholson and Al Pacino
My favorite actresses - Emma Thompson, Meryl Streep and Shirley MacLaine
My favorite authors - Jane Austen, Charles Dickens, Daphne du Maurier, Oscar Wilde, Toni Morrison
A poet - Sylvia Plath, Keats, Lord Byron
My favorite painters - Gustav Klimt, Vincent Van Gogh, Fragonard and Monet
My favorite painting - "The Kiss", by Gustav Klimt, "Starlight over the Rhone" and "First Steps", by Van Gogh and "Fête at Raimbouillet", by Fragonard
A quote - "There's no sin except stupidity" (Oscar Wilde)
Who you'ld love to meet - Nice people with a big heart, good manners and a great sense of humour, Someone who can make a good feijoada and a great Brazilian barbecue :0) 
Someone who would be fun to party with - RuPaul  
A beautiful man – Gabriel Byrne
A beautiful woman - Myself (no, I'm kidding!!) - Louise Brooks
In 10 years you want - To be a happy, attractive, loved and healthy lady surrounded by my equally healthy, happy and blessed family and friends

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